The newly innovated SMARTORK elevator hoistway door closer overcomes wind velocity as the door closes.
SmarTork has a helical groove design that provides more tension in the door-closed position as it does in the door-open position.
The SmarTork actually regains tension as it closes the door. Call backs to add or remove wraps will virtually be a thing of the past.
The SmarTork is easy to install. Just remove the old style unit and install the SmarTork as a replacement unit.
Tests have shown a reduction in Peak Amp loads by an average of .33 amps on every operation. This is a 9.2% power savings per cycle of the Elevator Door Operation.
A Green Enegery saving product, SmarTork falls within ASHRAE 90.1 Guidelines. As such, potential tax breaks, power rate adjustments, and insurance discounts may apply to business owners.
SmarTork meets or exceed ASME A17.1 and related codes.
SmarTork reel closer is molded from ABS Plastic.
The Uni-hub allows for easy installation or replacement to systems having a square shaft or dual pin mounting bracket configuration.